
Posted: May 13, 2011 in Tingkatan 5
Human transport system consist of :
Heart, blood vessels and blood which transport:
gases such as O2 and CO2
Waste products such as CO2 and Urea

Functions of circulatory system are :

Transport O2 and nutrients to cells
Transport waste products away from cells
Protect body from infections
Erythrocytes (RBC):
  • Biconwave disc which can move quickly in the blood capillaries
  • Present in large numbers
  • Plasma membrane is elastics
  • Big TSA/V ration for exchange of respiratory gases
  • No nucleus at the mature stage so more haemoglobin can be carried
  • Produce by bone marrow
  • Life-span is 120 days, destroyed in the liver of the lymph
Concept of the Circulatory System

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